Supporter Spotlight: Dr. Kathy White Loyd

Supporter Spotlight: Dr. Kathy White Loyd

A single mom with a successful business and teaching career,  Dr. Kathy White Loyd is passionate about helping women reach their full potential. She doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk. Kathy started the Women’s Business Leadership Center at Arkansas State University. So when Kathy found out about Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund … Read more

Birth Companions Talk Doulas and Maternal Health with Mayor Brandon Scott

Birth Companions Talk Doulas and Maternal Health with Mayor Brandon Scott

Recently, Birth Companions community outreach leaders Izzey Chapman, Katharine Peterson, and Lexy Olson presented their program at Kick It with the Candidates, an event that hosted by the Baltimore Urban League, Baltimore NAACP, Zeta Phi Beta, to introduce the community to candidates running for mayor in Baltimore. They connected with Mayor Brandon Scott and candidates … Read more

Episode 36: Improving Black Maternal Health Outcomes

The Resilient Nurse, Episode 12: Slow Talk

In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Noelene K. Jeffers, Assistant Professor and Certified Nurse Midwife, to discuss her work addressing the Black Maternal Health Crisis. Dr. Jeffers examines the structural and social determinants of Black maternal and perinatal health and currently leads studies to integrate community-based doulas into the health care setting. Source … Read more

Earth Day: An Opportunity to Address the Environmental Injustice of Plastic Pollution

Earth Day: An Opportunity to Address the Environmental Injustice of Plastic Pollution

It’s time for all of us to address this environmental injustice. Cecília Tomori, PhD, MA An overwhelming body of research highlights the pervasive harms of plastic pollution in our environment and health. Manufacturers make plastics from fossil fuels. A new report from Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory states that plastic production generates four times the polluting greenhouse… … Read more

ASPSF recipient ?blazing a new trail? for kids, grandkids, says Program Manager

ASPSF recipient ?blazing a new trail? for kids, grandkids,
says Program Manager

In just a few weeks, Juscenta Parker’s years of hard work and sacrifice will pay off. This single mom and grandma graduates in May with her bachelor’s in business administration from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.  Already working full-time at a bank, she’s excited “to move up the corporate ladder,” as an accountant. … Read more

BMORE Prepared to Move to Baltimore

BMORE Prepared to Move to Baltimore

Welcome to Baltimore! Baltimore is an exciting city with exactly 278 unique and different neighborhoods.  The city has held many nicknames throughout the years, including Charm City, the City that Reads, the Monumental City, and the City that Believes. Baltimore is known for its seafood, most famously for the blue crab sandwich, crab cakes, and … Read more

Studying Abroad: A Complete Guide

Photo from my time studying abroad in London

Here’s Your Guide to Studying Abroad (And Paying for it!) March 27, 2024 Introduction Studying abroad, which basically means studying in a country at an institution that is not in your home country, is a great way for college students to experience new cultures, lifestyles, and places while still having the opportunity to take courses … Read more