Revolutionizing Coastal Defense, 3D-Printed Living Seawalls with Anya Freeman of Kind Designs

Revolutionizing Coastal Defense, 3D-Printed Living Seawalls
with Anya Freeman of Kind Designs

For more episodes of Take It To The Board, click here! The recent flooding in South Florida makes today’s episode of Take It To The Board particularly timely.  Anya Freeman, the visionary founder of Kind Designs, sits down with host Donna DiMaggio Berger to explain her groundbreaking approach to protecting our coastal properties and shorelines. Anya … Read more

Examining the US Government’s DDoS Protection Guidance Update

Examining the US Government’s DDoS Protection Guidance Update

Acknowledging the worsening DDoS problem, the United States government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) published an updated guidance document on understanding and responding to DDoS in March of 2024. The new document is a joint effort of CISA, the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), and the FBI. Indeed, Distributed Denial of Service … Read more

FromSoftware's collab with George R. R. Martin on Elden Ring went well, but what about other writers? "We would definitely be open to exploring that"

FromSoftware's collab with George R. R. Martin on Elden Ring
went well, but what about other writers? "We would definitely be
open to exploring that"

George R. R. Martin was an important part of building Elden Ring’s world, and it seems like FromSoftware would be open to similar collaborations in the future. While there still aren’t really all the many specifics about the actual work that Martin did, he’s obviously been billed as the person that set the … Read more

The original release of The Thing video game didn't entirely work, but Nightdive Studios promises it will "fulfil the original vision"

The original release of The Thing video game didn't entirely
work, but Nightdive Studios promises it will "fulfil the original

The Thing video game adaptation was an ambitious but flawed title, so Nightdive is hoping to help realise what it could have been. John Carpenter’s The Thing was originally released back in 1982, but 20 years later Computer Artworks opted to make a sequel to the classic movie in video game form. It sold … Read more

Dragon Age: The Veilguard might not be as cool a name as Dreadwolf, but BioWare says the change is because the game isn't all about Solas

Dragon Age: The Veilguard might not be as cool a name as
Dreadwolf, but BioWare says the change is because the game isn't
all about Solas

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s name change to The Veilguard came as a small surprise, but BioWare didn’t do it just for the sake of it. Look, no matter what you say, The Veilguard just isn’t as cool a subtitle as Dreadwolf. The Veilguard sounds like a piece of DLC at best, but the decision … Read more

Arkane Austin might be gone, but its studio head received a "burst of energy" after Redfall's final update

Arkane Austin might be gone, but its studio head received a
"burst of energy" after Redfall's final update

Microsoft shut down Arkane Austin back in May, but despite the sad news, former studio head Harvey Smith has been hit with a “burst of energy” after Redfall’s final update. Much to the dismay of many, in early May Microsoft announced it was shutting down Hi-Fi Rush studio Tango Gameworks, Redfall developer Arkane Austin, … Read more